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Commercial & Pleasure Registration
Register your boat under Polish Flag
Do you need a flag registration that is valid around the world ?
Valid for the lifetime and is available to all nationalities?
We highly recommend the Polish Flag Registration as it is currently the easiest
and most inexpensive flag for pleasure boats in the world!


EU flag registration that is valid around the world, available to all nationalities?
We can provide you with a Polish (EU) flag registration. This registration is valid for the lifetime of the boat and therefore you will not need to renew your paperwork. The whole process is very simple, as you do not need a yacht survey and the provisional documents can be supplied in 2-5 days and the final registration should not take more than 4 weeks, if you supply us with the correct documents.
IMPORTANT- The Polish Flag Registration is an actual FLAG REGISTRATION that is valid around the world with no restrictions! You can register in Poland under your own name or as corporate owner Any nationality can own a yacht under the Polish flag under their personal name. It is not required that the owner of the yacht resides in Poland or even in the EU / EEA. The place of residence of the owner is not relevant at all.

Can I register in Poland as NON – EU citizen?

Yes you can, you do not have to be a resident or citizen of Poland or even the EU / EEA to register under Polish flag. Due to a recent change, anybody can register a boat under the Polish flag and hold the boat under their personal name. Before it was required to own an EU company for non EU citizens to register, but that is no longer the case.


How long does it take to register?

The provisional Polish registration will be supplied in 2-5 days. We will send it to you by email and the permanent registration document takes up to 3-4 weeks from the day that we receive all documents from you. Important: with the 2-5 days, provisional registration you will be able to use your boat already legally.


Can I register as Commercial or Bareboat charter in Poland?

Yes, you can register for private, commercial or bareboat vessel use. The cost to register your boat are same for all three. 


What does the Polish yacht registration look like?

Polish registration certificate

It comes in a credit card format in English and Polish and is valid worldwide


What are the main advantages of registering under the Polish flag

- Valid worldwide, No restrictions in any countries to visit
- Official Flag Registration
- Official vessel registration accepted everywhere. Possible for all nationalities
- We can register residents with any nationality
- 2-5 days License – we will have your provisional registration ready in 2-5 days which gives you legal registration already - - - Permanent Registration in 2 to 3 weeks –a couple of weeks later you will receive your permanent lifetime registration by courier (included in our price)
- No technical survey required under 15 meters – most flag registrations need this and it can be very expensive
- No Maritime restrictions – no restrictions like you have with many other flag registrations
- Includes all translations to Polish – our price is all-inclusive and we translate all paperwork for you
- Valid for Life!


Documents required for the Pleasure Registration of a vessel

Vessels made before 16th of June 1998 
Copy of bill of sale, sales agreement or invoice
Copy of ID or passport, in case a company is the owner, we need to have the company formation documents
Picture of the engine showing the engine number
If the vessel is over 14 meters, one of the following measurement documents is needed:
builders’ certificate, tonnage certificate, survey report or yacht manual etc.
Vessels made after 16th of June 1998

Copy of bill of sale, sales agreement or invoice
Copy of ID or passport, in case a company is the owner, we need to have the company formation documents
Picture of the engine showing the engine number
Picture hull number
Picture CE plate
 If the vessel is over 14 meters, one of the following measurement documents is needed:
CE certificate, builders’ certificate, tonnage certificate, survey report or yacht manual etc
If you you cannot supply us with these mandatory documents, for most vessels we will be able to assist you to obtain them)


This is what our Services Includes

Let us check your documents for free!
Are you not sure if you have the correct documents to register your boat in Poland. Please send us your documents by email or Whatsapp and our experts will check it out for you for free!
Let us translate your documents for free
Our service includes free translations of all your boat documents. This will save you a lot of money!
7 day customer service in most languages We have call centers in 3 countries, were you can contact us
7 days a week with staff that speak; English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish! Guaranteed provisional registration in 2-5 days!
 (After receiving signed documents) We have actual staff in Poland and do not use intermediaries. We can therefor guarantee to have your provisional registration ready in less than 2-5 days. (After receiving signed documents) This provisional registration is already fully valid to use your boat.


Extra Services


MMSI Radio License for VHF, AIS, Radar & EPIRB

 It is mandatory in most countries to have a valid MMSI / radio license on your boat so we recommend our boat owners to apply for a MMSI / Radio license when applying for the Polish flag registration. The license permits the following equipment: VHF Radio, radar, epirb, transponder & radar and assigns the numbers needed to operate correctly. We can arrange a Polish license for our clients.
Polish MMSI radio license:
The Polish registration needs the following paperwork
If the owner of the boat is a company
- copy company documents
- device list (brand/model). You can register the following the devices: radio vhf + optional: radar, epirb, transponder and radar.
- declaration of conformity CE for each device (we can help you with this)
- a copy of your Polish registration
- authorization for us to register you (we provide this form)
If the owner of the boat is a private person
- a copy of the radio operator's certificates, the radio operator license must have been issued by a governmental institution, any other certificates or radio training certificates are not accepted
- device list (brand/model). You can register the following the devices: radio vhf + optional: radar, epirb, transponder and radar.
- declaration of conformity CE for each device (we can help you with this)
- a copy of your Polish registration
- authorization for us to register you (we provide this form).


The Polish MMSI can be only requested when you have received the original Polish registration document and takes about 5-6 weeks, portable devices like portable VHF radio cannot be registered in Poland as the Polish authorities do not require a MMSI license for portable devices. If you do not have an operator license we can still assist with your Polish MMSI, we can set up a Company in the UK for an extra
£300, this company will be the boat operator and in this way we can apply for the MMSI license as companies do not need to have a radio operator license. Polish MMSI/ radio license cost £250 in combination with the Polish flag registration.


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Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information


Head Office



is a trading name of
Marc Julovich & Associates Ltd
Registered in England No: 10341134
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU




Stay Safe & Healthy Abroad

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the NHS have up-to-date advice on staying safe and healthy abroad. For more on security, local laws, plus passport and visa information, see https://travelaware.campaign.gov.uk/. Keep informed of current travel health news by visiting www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk. For further information, please visit us at www.leboat.co.uk/travel-aware. The advice can change so check regularly for updates

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